Published By: Hamza via Top Updater
Am I Ugly Videos exemplify agitating Tween Trends:The notoriously awful observers at present accommodate the self-regard of many pre-teen girls who are sending “Am I Ugly Videos” to the web site.
If you are looking for “Am I ugly” or “I’m Beautiful” on YouTube you will see the results of dozens of young girls who asked the Internet community to judge them. Some of the comments are kind, some are nasty, and some are frankly harsh or inappropriate. In “Am I ugly” videos and raised racist comments, and inappropriate sexual comments (these girls are about 12), and unnecessarily mean comments that can be detrimental to increase self-confidence of these girls.
Posted on the East and the pupil is clear that YouTube uses the name “sgal901″ video asks, “Am I pretty or ugly?” He was seen video of her more than 3.5 million views and there are nearly a million comments. Comments ranging from “You are so beautiful” to “you have ugly like hell. Should go ahead and finish your life.”
But who is the culprit? These girls are asking for trouble by asking a personal question to a wide audience like that? We should expect a little more than the average troll the Internet?
San Francisco Chronicle writes:
“A 12-year-old is not mature enough to deal with the statements made by their peers Episode Palanfalah Internet trolls and patients to think.”
Isabel says:
“Leave it to the anonymous Internet commentators to make the middle school feel worse about themselves than they already have.”
Sgal901 says in her “Am I ugly” video: “I just wanted to make a video random find out if you, like, ugly or not … because a lot of people called me ugly and I think I am ugly cause ‘, and I think that I’m ugly and fat. “source
As a mother of twin tweens in 2011 and an active Girl Scout Troop leader, Cristy realized there was a need to develop bilingual digital content and foster a community facing the challenges of raising kids after first grade. That year she founded and remains co-Publisher of Los Tweens & Teens, to support multicultural parents and mentors with content related to raising Gen Z- tweens & teens ages 7-18. Through the Los Tweens & Teens LIVE events such as Teens & Me – the growing team aims to provide our community with essential resources from chats with therapists to battle anxiety and bullying, to understanding social media and technology.