By Katherine Doble-Cannata
I had a blast at Thursday’s Being Latino/Hispanicize Mi Best Buy Twitter party – sharing my Tres Reyes traditions, learning new ones and getting a lot of great information from Best Buy and Xbox ! Here is a recap of some things I learned and thought other tween parents would like to know as well:
- Everyone has different traditions and they’re all great! I didn’t realize there were so many Tres Reyes traditions. There were discussions about glittered shoe boxes, letters to the Three Kings and a lots and lots of baked goods. It’s amazing how we all celebrate the same holiday but in so many different ways!
- Don’t forget to check the game rating. Xbox sent us a link to a list of all their games: and reminded us that we should be looking for E and E10+ ratings.
- President Obama bought his daughters Just Dance 3 at Best Buy for Navidad! How cool is that?
- Tweens love anything they can physically interact with. We asked Mi Best Buy what electronics they would recommend for tweens. Their answer: Anything touch screen- 3D-Ds, tablets, and iPods.
It’s important for tween parents to keep our traditions alive! A lot of people on twitter had never celebrated Three Kings. I’m not sure whether it’s just not part of their culture (I learned that mostly Cubans, Spaniards, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans celebrate) or maybe their parents were too exhausted by January 6th (I am!!). Prior to the party, my husband asked if we really had to celebrate another holiday. My tween put it best, “Yes, we are hispanic, too! And we celebrate Three Kings because it is part of who we are.” She is completely correct. It is part of our culture and up to us, los padres, to continue it.