DISCLAIMER: Los Tweens & Teens created a fun Halloween familia party with items of our own and Party City sent us new Halloween items to add. All opinions are our own.
Halloween is not everyone’s favorite holiday but it can be fun when managed as a family. You may not want to do the work of a major party so we’re providing some easy tips to keep it simple and keep your kids nearby. For years our friends and family who can join us during a weekday, come by for a little party and then head out together for some Halloween walking either around the neighborhood or at a nearby mall. The point again is to keep everyone together and join the fun- adults especially! At our gathering- the adults, EVEN abuelos/grandparents, had so much fun dressing up as fun characters and participating in our costume contest.
Quick tips:
– Make sure your invite mentions “Adults and kids costume party” – this way you don’t hear “I didn’t know!”
– Create an easy ‘ballot’ to host a costume contest. You can buy a simple ‘ribbon’ pack at Party City and that’s your only prize- keep it simple! Our ballot included: Best Costume, Funniest Costume, Scariest Costume and Most Original Costume. Pick judges from those that are not dressed up (there will be many!) and it’s a bunch of fun! Have the tweens create a ‘ballot box’ that they decorate out of a shoe box- now they’re part of the fun.
– Have all your food ‘ready’- ideas include “crock pot” chili, pizza, veggie bites, light chips and a fun ‘creepy’ dessert (see our samples below)
– Have your tweens invite only 5-6 friends as more will either come or siblings will join them- include families so you create the atmosphere you seek
– Have participants bring a bag of candy or party favors to share and hand out to trick-or-treaters
Enjoy our collage below and share any other tips. Be sure and tweet your Halloween photos with the #BeACharacter hashtag – Party City is having a fun contest! Have a Happy Halloween!!
As a mother of twin tweens in 2011 and an active Girl Scout Troop leader, Cristy realized there was a need to develop bilingual digital content and foster a community facing the challenges of raising kids after first grade. That year she founded and remains co-Publisher of Los Tweens & Teens, to support multicultural parents and mentors with content related to raising Gen Z- tweens & teens ages 7-18. Through the Los Tweens & Teens LIVE events such as Teens & Me – the growing team aims to provide our community with essential resources from chats with therapists to battle anxiety and bullying, to understanding social media and technology.