Disney’s latest ADULT film “Delivery Man” starring Vince Vaughn has released a new trailer. And you’re one of the first to catch a sneak peek of the film!
“Delivery Man” opens in theaters on November 22nd and is sure to be a great parent-date-night movie. The plot begins when Vince Vaughn plays an underachiever looking for his purpose in life. In his search he finds out that he has fathered 533 children through anonymous donations at a fertility clinic. Now he must decide if he wants to come reveal his identity to the 142 of them who want to connect with their biological father.
The film takes an interesting look at what it means to be a parent, have a family and what really defines family. As Latinos, we’re used to extended family but this is really pushing it to another level!
Check out the trailer and let’s discuss. What does it mean to you to be a family? What is your definition of familia?