DISCLAIMER: Please see the Terms of Use section of this site. We received the Neutrogena products at no cost to sample and test.
Neutrogena offers an anti-residue shampoo perfect for oily hair. Enter below for a chance to win in our giveaway!
I didn’t know that oily hair is another ‘appearance issue’ that can face tweens and teenagers as part of their path from kid to puberty to young adult.
By asking other parents, a pediatrician and a dermatologist I’ve to find out that oily hair is attributed to and can be caused by changing hormones similar to acne. It also is hereditary which is a harder battle to face!
The problem is that any little issue that makes a teen or tween look different from their peers can become a MAJOR issue for their self confidence and socializing. But as moms age alongside their kids, oily hair can be an issue due to hormone imbalance all over again.
We were facing this issue in our own home. We’ve tried a number of shampoos but nothing was really working. I reached out directly to our amigos at Neutrogena to find out if there are cost-effective solutions that can help anyone with oily hair and turns out that there is.
Shampoo and the cleansing routine do play a part in the process. If the PH level is not right in a shampoo or on your scalp, it can cause the scalp to be dry and actually produce more oils. Organic shampoos tend to have the least chemicals and can help with the scalp’s chemical balance.
A Neutrogena product called Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo is actually a treatment that you use once per week to help your shampoo work better and reduce the residue that be left from shampooing along.
** Enter below to win an anti-residue shampoo + mask bundle valued at $16 **
It turns out that residue builds up in your hair and on your scalp causing oily hair. At a price of less than $8 at most retailers, this is an easy option to add to the cleansing routine of your older kids or even yourself. Many moms also suffer from oily hair as their own hormones start changing as well with age.
Here are a 4 tips to help reduce oily hair:
- Daily washing does help but be sure to use shampoos with less chemicals and add an Anti-Residue treatment once per week
- Be sure to wash out shampoo completely as residue can cause oil build-up
- Don’t massage hair products directly into the scalp as they build up over time
- Don’t over massage your scalp as a dry scalp actually leads to oiler hair!
Please share your ideas and tips to help women, tweens and teens with their beauty routines. Our Los Tweens & Teens community is here to support each other for healthier familias….and don’t forget to enter our giveaway below!
#mismomentosneutrogena giveaway
As a mother of twin tweens in 2011 and an active Girl Scout Troop leader, Cristy realized there was a need to develop bilingual digital content and foster a community facing the challenges of raising kids after first grade. That year she founded and remains co-Publisher of Los Tweens & Teens, to support multicultural parents and mentors with content related to raising Gen Z- tweens & teens ages 7-18. Through the Los Tweens & Teens LIVE events such as Teens & Me – the growing team aims to provide our community with essential resources from chats with therapists to battle anxiety and bullying, to understanding social media and technology.