Party City provided the Los Tweens & Teens team with party supplies, as always ALL opinions are our own.
This year my daughters’ birthday landed in the middle of the week but ‘party day’ fell on Valentine’s Day. To combine the two themes I decided to go with Party City’s solid color collection in rojo (red) of course. Using a solid color as your base allows you to combine them with just about anything so I went with a hearts pattern that complements the solid red. I used hearts to match with a Valentine’s theme. The same festive solid collections can be used for July 4th, Dia de los Muertos in November, a special birthday, a themed party like a Luau or or any other special occasion. Check out our tips below so coin
My easy peasy candy display includes gumballs, chocolate pieces, crispy chocolates, lollipops, and the ever-fun chocolate ‘coins.’ I really like the reusable and more glass-like appearance of Party City’s serving bowls. I chose deep tall pails with matching scoops and a Margarita glass for the gumballs.
Partnered dollies and hanging decor placed under or near your solid colored displays make the table more vibrant.
Tips for Creating a Fun Candy Display
- TOP PRIORITY: make the display fun and inviting for older kids
- Have cool containers to fill with your candy (I used popcorn buckets to take home their selections)
- Use mini chalk boards to label the table items once they are out of their packaging.
- BE AWARE OF FOOD ALLERGIES. Be sure to NOT mix any candy that may have been processed with nuts in case you have anyone attending with food allergies. To be safe keep the chocolates away separated from the hard candy
- Add in non-candy items including trendy little key chains or balls
- Use hanging decorations on the table to add depth to the items
- I like to use seasonal doilies as they bring in your theme and provide a nice finish to the display‘
Balloons are my favorite finishing touch. I feel they make a room warm and much more inviting. You can find great deals on balloon bunches like the red hearts for just $.89 each! Be sure to dispose of them properly so they don’t harm birds or the environment.
Don’t forget to email us the candy or party displays that you create so we can share it with our community. Check out the Los Tweens and Teens Pinterest boards for more fun ideas.
As a mother of twin tweens in 2011 and an active Girl Scout Troop leader, Cristy realized there was a need to develop bilingual digital content and foster a community facing the challenges of raising kids after first grade. That year she founded and remains co-Publisher of Los Tweens & Teens, to support multicultural parents and mentors with content related to raising Gen Z- tweens & teens ages 7-18. Through the Los Tweens & Teens LIVE events such as Teens & Me – the growing team aims to provide our community with essential resources from chats with therapists to battle anxiety and bullying, to understanding social media and technology.