Disclaimer: LosTweens & Teens is a Neutrogena Ambassador. We are provided products for review. However, as always all opinions are our own.
Most tweens and teens have one major thing in common- acne. With all of the hormonal changes they have to battle, acne is a natural part of the process for so many. So teaching them a cleansing routine that can actually help begin reducing acne is essential. Do you know that more than half the battle against acne starts with simply cleansing? Teaching them a cleansing routine early is a good habit you can help set in your growing children.
Raise your hand- how many parents out there just let your kids wash their face with regular soap? I learned on a recent visit to the office of Dr. Bowes in Miami that as kids get older their oil glands start to develop which is a major cause of acne among other things. Other acne causes include the foods kids eat (more oil-prone and processed foods) as well as skin type and of course lack of proper cleansing. So simply using soap to wash their face won’t help with the acne.
We found out that Neutrogena has a full line of scientifically based cleansers that contain compounds to help fight the initial signs of acne. The cleaners also help to prevent major outbreaks. Your child may reach a point where a trip to the dermatologist is recommended. In my case I decided that a dermatologist visit at the early signs of acne was better than waiting. Since my skin easily scars, I want to prevent potential acne scaring in my daughters as their acne was becoming more visible.
Mom & Tweens Visit Dermatologist Together…
Top tips to manage early Tween & Teen acne:
- Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse (three times per day if possible: morning, after school and at bedtime).
- Create a routine. The daily cleansing cleanser should be balanced with a cleanser with scrubbing at least twice or three times per week. In our experience the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit line has really started to help and not overly dry young skin.
- If acne is worsening, see a dermatologist. The outbreak may require prescription medications and cleansers.
- Monitor the outbreaks – try to see what products are working and which do not.
- Work with your tween and teen. Be part of the process and let them know that you’re concerned and supporting them. Acne can cause more social pressure and feelings of insecurity. Assure them that the issue is temporary and you’re finding a solution.
During our recent visit to Dr. Bowe’s office she assured the girls that the acne phase would pass and that cleansing was essential. She suggests to the girls that they take responsibility for their own cleansing routine and NOT to rely on mom to give all the reminders. As a mother herself, Dr. Bowes provided them with an essential lesson! Teach tweens and teens that they need to know what products work for them and be part of the process.
Let us know about skin and acne concerns for your tween or teen. We will continue addressing your concerns and request more information from our experts regarding tween and teen health and beauty concerns.
As a mother of twin tweens in 2011 and an active Girl Scout Troop leader, Cristy realized there was a need to develop bilingual digital content and foster a community facing the challenges of raising kids after first grade. That year she founded and remains co-Publisher of Los Tweens & Teens, to support multicultural parents and mentors with content related to raising Gen Z- tweens & teens ages 7-18. Through the Los Tweens & Teens LIVE events such as Teens & Me – the growing team aims to provide our community with essential resources from chats with therapists to battle anxiety and bullying, to understanding social media and technology.