Cristy and Katherine share their perspectives on what makes Memorial Day special.
Importance of Memorial Day
By Cristy Clavijo-Kish
Memorial Day is special to me as I’m surrounded by great men who volunteered for military service and taught me to show respect and appreciation at every opportunity. My father-in-law Louis Kish served in WWII in the Phillipines, my father Sergio Clavijo (@learnATG) went through basic training for the Army in Texas but was honorably discharged when all his family arrived from Cuba so he never went into active duty. My uncle Jose Luis Perez volunteered for two tours in Vietnam although he was exempt and went on to retire as a Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy. Since I was a kid I remember my dad and uncle taking us to all the Naval ship tours that docked in New York or New Jersey harbors. And I’m married to a guy who shoulda been in the military but missed his calling!! He has the crew cut for years to prove it! But he’s so appreciative and respectful of our military.
I have taught my Girls to thank military personnel whenever they see them in uniform- it’s so important to remember their sacrifice for our freedom. So yes, as this Time magazine story illustrates, The Meaning of Memorial Day, take the time to teach them. For my part- my now 87 year old father-in-law wanted to go to Disney this weekend! We agreed- and we are on our way.
Enjoy Memorial Day and thank – and have the tweens thank any soldier or veteran that you come across.. They make all of this possible.
Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?
By Katherine Doble-Cannata
I wanted to share with our Los Tweens readers a conversation that my tween, Maddy, and I had about Memorial Day. It turned out to be a great lesson for her and a great reminder for me.
Maddy: “I love Memorial Day weekend! I want to go to the beach, swim in the pool, watch movies, stay up late…”
Me: “Yeah, but why do we celebrate Memorial Day?”
Maddy: “Umm…something about the army and wars…”
Me: “I think you should google it and come back and tell me.”
A couple of minutes later…
Maddy: “Mom, on Memorial Day we remember people in the military who have died for our country.”
Me: “Yes, but why is that important?”
Maddy (after a pause to think): “Because those people fought to protect us from danger and so that I could go to the beach, swim in the pool, watch movies and hang out with my friends.
I had to laugh. She got it and I was a proud mama! We (tweens and parents included) forget that the great opportunities we have come at a heavy cost. This Memorial Day weekend, while you are enjoying the barbecues, beach, pool and time with friends take a moment to have a conversation with your tweens about the meaning of Memorial Day.