The countdown continues! With four more days until Maddy's 10th Birthday, she shares with us what she really would like for her birthday: a messenger bag with “Peace and Love” on it – her new obsession is anything with peace signs. This makes it slightly easier to buy her gifts BUT it is still a challenge.
What do you buy a tween who is too old for dolls or toy train sets? There are a multitude of electronics that any tween would be happy with but those come with a hefty price tag. Here are a few ideas for great gifts for tween boys and girls:
– Movie Gift Bag – Fill a cute gift bag with a gift card to a local movie theater, a bag of popcorn, box of candy and an age appropriate DVD.
– Board Games – Finally, they have reached the age where they can play board games with their friends and don't need your help interpreting the rules – of course you are free to join. There are a lot of great age appropriate board games for tweens. Read our review of Hedbanz for an example of a fun tween board game. Take it to another level and add in some items from the “Movie Gift Bag” to make it a “Sleepover Kit”.
– Skate Boards, Boogie Boards, and Scooter – Encourage your tween to exercise by giving one of these items as a birthday gift. Plus, purchasing an older or less accessorized model can often save you money.
– Dress Up Tween Style – My tween and her friends love to accessorize so a gift bag of cool (and inexpensive) necklaces, bracelets, clear lip glosses, and nail polish would be a very welcomed gift.
– Sports Package – What sport or sports team is your tween interested in? You can often find cheap tickets online to professional game or get an even better deal and take them to a college game. Add in a new ball or sports gear and you have a great tween gift.
The key to tween gift giving is to focus on their interests and get creative. A great gift isn't always the most expensive one.