LosTweens.com invites writers, bloggers, vloggers (video bloggers), medical professionals (pediatricians, counselors, youth psychologists, etc.), child resource providers (teachers, librarians, musicians, coaches) and parents (of course!) to share their knowledge, insights, expertise and creativity with our readers. From personal stories to tips that can help us all — we want to hear from you! Posts can be bilingual (English and Spanish), or we can provide translations for you.
Please complete our form below and vamonos (let’s go!) – this Tween parenting journey is better shared together – juntos podemos!
Potential Topics Include:
- Cultures & Traditions: Sample angles: driving culture into the Tween brain! From a culture of health, music, spiritual, country of origin and more.
- Travel with Tweens: Sample angles include: research, travel planning, photos and travel experiences, and more
- Parenting Tweens from a cultural perspective: Sample angels include: what are you doing to retain your family cultural while living in the U.S? Or- how are you providing cultural influences for your developing Tween?
- Education: School, studying, grades and more.
- Personal Stories
- Disabilities and coping techniques
- Products that work with Tweens: The good, bad, terrific and so-so
- Retaining Language
- Media: The good, the bad and the inescapable.
- Relationships with Tweens: Sample angles: impact of divorce, step parents, grandparents, friends and more. This is a tough age where relationship are extremely impactful.
- Recipes & Cooking Tips: Managing the ever-finicky kid!
- Health and Wellness: Including Multicultural Education.
- Faith & Spirituality in Tweens: Laying lifelong foundations.
- Crafts and Activities
- Community Involvement: Sample angle: Instilling the need to volunteer and sowing seeds of kindness and community support, and driving empathy.
Article or Video Submission Guidelines:
- Editorial posts should be a Word or text document (Google Docs are welcome).
- Include a brief bio (about 3-5 sentences) and a head shot or a fun family photo.
- Articles should fall between 400 to 800 words.
- If submitting images with the post- please ensure you have all rights or ownership for all attached images. If there is a minor included in the image or video, please ENSURE (and be ready to provide PROOF) you have the proper parental consent forms already completed.
- If submissions are time sensitive (revolving around a specific holiday, season or event), please include the “publish by” date.
- If submissions are exclusively in Spanish, please advise us.
- PR/commercial articles should be submitted here.
- VIDEO: Please keep all video submissions to less than 2 minutes and produced on HD video recorders to ensure crisp images. Carefully analyze the sound quality to ensure speakers are clear and background noise is limited.
The Los Tweens & Teens communities are growing and we welcome the opportunity of sharing your insights and ideas. Please be sure to complete the form below. We’re excited to engage with your content – gracias!
Send your guest article to Angie [at] lostweens.com