Homework can be a tricky subject. Imagine you are 8 hours at work and then you know that when you get home, you need to spend a few more hours – well doing more work. We also recommend: Understood.org Launches Bilingual “First-Day Ready Guide” for Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities A lot of families… [Read More]
Mind, Body, Soul Parenting
[Ask Lina] Why does my child hide and show fear when adults enter her classroom?
“Ask Lina” is a special editorial series where we invite you to send us your parenting questions in the comments below and our teen & tween emotional expert, Lina Acosta Sandaal, gives you tips that will help you navigate these crucial “in-between years.” Article originally published in Lina’s blog. Many parents have questions about how their… [Read More]
[Video] Three Eye-Opening Truths on Causes and Effects of Stress on Teens
Developed in collaboration with award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien and her media production company, Starfish Media Group, the Teens and Stress video series published last year documents the experience of teens, as well as the efforts of educators, influencers and administrators to reduce the record levels of stress impacting kids in schools and homes across America…. [Read More]
[Video] 3 Tips to Get Teens & Tweens Back to Sleep During Daylight Saving Time
Half of all American parents say Daylight Saving Time (DST) affects their kids and more than one-quarter (29%) report it’s more difficult to get children to sleep after the time change, according to a new survey from the Better Sleep Council, the nonprofit consumer education arm of the International Sleep Products Association. Of those parents… [Read More]
Reduce Back-to-School Tween & Teen Stress
At this point after Labor Day it seems that all kids are back to school in some way or another – be it via year-round schooling, home schooling or standard classes resuming after the summer. In my casa we’re just trying to get our groove back as the saying goes. The stress level is at… [Read More]
Twin Tweens- if you thought the ‘terrible twos’ were tough – READ ON!
A New Series published by Los Tweens & Teens custom essay writer They start off like this… Whenever a friend or family welcomes a new baby- somewhere along the way my husband and I get asked- ‘HOW did you do it with two?’ The ‘toughness’ with twins almost always is associated with the infant and… [Read More]
Carefully Watching Children Recovering from Colds
Recently I had a bout with cold-induced Asthma with my daughter. Since I wasn’t previously exposed to the process of watching your child not be able to fully breathe, the episode really scared me. I’m sharing this story to inform parents that they need to pay attention to symptoms and activities that when combined can… [Read More]
What Memorial Day Means to Los Tweens
Cristy and Katherine share their perspectives on what makes Memorial Day special. Importance of Memorial Day By Cristy Clavijo-Kish Memorial Day is special to me as I’m surrounded by great men who volunteered for military service and taught me to show respect and appreciation at every opportunity. My father-in-law Louis Kish served in WWII in… [Read More]
Can moms with different parenting styles be friends?
By Kim Brown Reiner via Today Moms I knew it was playdate suicide immediately after offering a cookie to a new friend’s organic-only, no-TV son. I was trying to bribe the boys to clean up, but by the look on her face I felt as though I was pushing drugs. “You let him… [Read More]