Sending your children off to college can be a joyous occasion, but as all parents know, it can also be a bit terrifying. From signing lease agreements, to applying for student loans, to paying for utilities, to dealing with landlords, college students will encounter a wide range of unfamiliar legal interactions. There are many legal obstacles… [Read More]
Back To School
The New "Tutor App" Makes it Easy to Find Homework Help for your Kids
As we near mid-August, students across the nation are rushing to prepare themselves for the upcoming academic year. Those who are worried about forgetting everything over the summer: fret no more! Tutor App is a brand new web application that provides students with a space to search for verified tutors based on availability, price range, and location…. [Read More]
[Español] ¿Las flores pueden ayudar a tus hijos sacar mejores notas en la escuela?
Articulo escrito por Perla Sofia Curbelo Santiago, originalmente publicado en Durante un estudio realizado con adultos mayores, la doctora Jeannette Haviland-Jones, profesora de Sicología y directora del Laboratorio de Emociones de Rutgers University, descubrió que las personas que recibieron flores en uno de sus estudios salieron mejor en los exámenes de memoria que aquellas… [Read More]
[Shopping] 50 Unique Backpacks for the Cool Tween or Teen Girl
We strongly believe book bags should help you make a fashion statement. The fact that they are carried e v e r y single day of the school year is reason enough to make a conscious choice of which one will accompany you throughout two half years. Agree? We have curate the most beautiful and… [Read More]
[Shopping] 24 Black Shoes for Black to School you can Find Online
Is that time of the year again. New hoes, books, uniforms. Oh, the glory days of back to school! To make sure that you keep your sanity, we have curated 24 different shoe styles for your tween that will help him/her start off the school year on the right foot. Go ahead, browse, click and… [Read More]
[Español] Más allá de la ropa y libros, sigue estos 4 consejos para asegurar el aprendizaje en el regreso a clases
El regreso a clases es sinónimo de nuevos uniformes, libros y útiles escolares. Mientras vas tachando en tu larga lista de cosas por hacer para la escuela, no olvides las herramientas más importantes para el aprendizaje: los ojos de sus niños. La buena vista y la salud ocular general son vitales para el aprendizaje. La Academia Americana… [Read More]
[PHOTOS] How to Help Your Kids Get Social with a Back-to-School Party
Party City supports Los Tweens & Teens with party supplies but as always, our views are our own. Let’s face it, middle school is not an easy place and the first month back to school can be isolating for many older kids. Even kids returning to the third grade and higher can have anxiety… [Read More]
What I’ve Learned About ‘Back to School’ as an Only Child Daughter of a First Grade Teacher
This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Minute Maid and DiMe Media, but all opinions are my own. By: Anllelic Lozada, Los Tweens & Teens “Tia-in-Charge” “I enjoyed it every year because you loved school so much. Just watching you go through the process made me happy,” said mami when I asked her how she viewed my back to… [Read More]
Tips for Healthier School Lunches
A sandwich, chips and a juice box were the staples of my school lunch. I like to think that I turned out alright. But I want better for my children. Research has proven that healthy and balanced school lunches help children concentrate better in the classroom and prevent obesity. It also encourages a lifetime… [Read More]
Sleep and School Start Times – Parents Guide
Since my daughter turned nine, she has added another hour that she could sleep until. Now, at the age of 12, she will sleep undisturbed until noon. I’m worried for her 17 year old self. While my tween’s increasing ability to sleep-in has become a joke in my house, biologically she’s a normal child. Studies… [Read More]