At this point after Labor Day it seems that all kids are back to school in some way or another – be it via year-round schooling, home schooling or standard classes resuming after the summer. In my casa we’re just trying to get our groove back as the saying goes. The stress level is at… [Read More]
Back To School
Back to School Vision Screening for Kids
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Transitions Optical. However, as always all opinions expressed certainly are my own. It seems just last week that we were talking about summer travel planning and now it’s already time for back to school! With most of the country officially returning to school… [Read More]
It's the First Week of School – We Could All Use a Pep Talk
It’s Thursday on the first week back to school and we’re quickly falling to pieces. The eldest tween is trying out for the varsity volleyball team. She’s staying up late to complete her 6th grade school work. And, there is a sudden preoccupation with looks. I believe we counted at least seven times she checked… [Read More]
Insuring Your Tech Investments for #BackToSchool
Blood rushing to your head. You’re not sure whether to cry, scream or do both. But no matter what you do it’s not going to fix it. If you’ve ever broken, lost or had one of you or your tween’s cell phones stolen, you know what I am talking about. So when SocialMoms approached us… [Read More]
Introducing New Chores for Back to School
Disclaimer: Los Tweens was provided Tide Vivid White & Bright to review. However, the opinions expressed are solely our own. The start of a new school year marks a growth milestone for our tweens. They are faced with new lessons, greater challenges and responsibilities. This turning point in their lives provides an opportunity for us… [Read More]
Preparing for the New School Year – Tips from a Teacher
; By Kathryn Nuñez, 5th Grade Teacher As you cross out the days on your calendar, it’s becoming painfully clear to us teachers, parents and students that the first days of school are fast approaching. As summer is nearing its end and the adventure of a new school year begins along with the managing of… [Read More]